
We take the Great Commandment ~ Matthew 22:37-39 "Love God totally and love all people", and the Great Commission ~ Matthew 28:18-20 "Make disciples locally and globally" as the DNA of our church. It is what we are all about.

To fulfill our vision, we look for strategic partnerships. We support missionaries from America in other cultures as well as national church planting teams. We are also involved in building churches, orphanages, and Bible training centers. We encourage people in our church to become involved in child sponsorships for disadvantaged children. Most of our overseas missions work are in third world countries. We work with several international mission organizations and are a covenant partner with the Missions and Humanitarian organization WorldHelp.

We are also involved in sending our own people overseas on "Vision" trips as well as sending ministry and build teams.


Schenectady, New York

Founded in 1906, and dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. “Our ministries are seeking to comprehensively meet the needs of the poor in a manner that dignifies and strengthens the individual, the family, and the community.

Our goal is to provide not only HELP for today, but HOPE for tomorrow. We want to help people who are in need right now by meeting basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing. Providing these life essentials are at the core of who we are.

In addition, our hope is that we can do more than just meet basic needs ... we want to transform lives. Together we can help people begin to dream again and think about what they want their future story to look like. We help those future stories come true by providing spiritual guidance, counseling, training, classes, life and job skills training and so much more.”


Schenectady, NY

The Gideons International is an Association of Christian businesses and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While they are often recognized with their work with hotels, they also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them.

Visit their Ministry Website



LCN plants and strengthens disciple-making churches by creating Local Centers to coach and train pastors as they work to make 1 million new disciples by the year 2025. They plan to do this through more than 10,000 local churches and 500 local centers.

Visit their Ministry Website


Capital Region, New York

"Mekeel fosters a culture of unity within our school while appreciating and, in fact, cultivating each student’s unique God-given talents and abilities. Our faculty and staff are committed to our mission of providing an exceptional education rooted in the eternal perspectives of God’s Word."


The Timothy Initiative is an international church planting organization whose vision is to plant millions of evangelical reproducing and multiplying churches in partnership with other like-minded ministries. They make disciples who make disciples by planting churches.

Visit their Face Book Page


Village Transformation

We have in years past supported Word Help in different ways. Our current Word Help Projects we have partnered with them for are Church plants in India, Nepal & Cuba, Child sponsorships and a Village Transformation in Guatemala.

Visit their website


Schenectady, NY


BBFI, Greece

George and Luisa have been missionaries with Baptist Bible Fellowship in Greece since September 1993. George and Luisa have been effective in reaching Greek nationals and building a Greek church in Athens. They also helped start a church in the island of Zakynthos, and started a Farsi speaking church reaching Muslims. Many are turning to Christ. 

You can follow BBFI and George Dimakos on Facebook to stay up to date on their ministry.

Visit their Ministry Website


(BIMI) Dominican Republic

Michael and Anna Doering have been serving as Missionaries for over 10 years in various countries and currently reside in the Dominican Republic (DR). Anna and Michael have been called to be church planters. They lead a group of church planters and are active in hundreds of new churches springing up in the DR, Haiti, Cuba and other neighboring islands. Each new church needs leadership and support until they are firmly established so they can learn to sustain their own congregations. The Doerings are an intricate part of this process.

Learn more about their ministry


BBFI, Alaska

Doug and Nedra Shoultz were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship missionaries to Alaska in May of 2005. Doug and Nedra took the missions course at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Missouri. Doug was ordained in November 1981. He planted two churches in Indiana in 1982 and 1986. He was pastor of the Church of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Indiana from 1993 to 1996 and pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Wrangell, Alaska from 1997 until the present time. They have two sons and one daughter.

Email them


CIM, Brazil

Pray for their ministry in local churches and their camping ministry. Right now they are working to get visas to come to the US on furlough. 

Visit their Ministry Website


BBFI, Brazil

They have been in Brazil since 1982

Email: trasks4brazil@yahoo.com

Sending Church - Bible Baptist Church, 426 Emerson Ave., Bonner Springs, KS 66012

Field Address - C.P. 186 Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil 13001-970

Anniversary - 7/12

Stevens Birthday - 10/27

Marilyns Birthday - 8/15

Visit their Ministry Website & see their Current Newsletter